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Congratulations! You've secured " The Eightfold Blessings " system... Below are the details and downloadable files so you can get started right away.
This audio system is a best-selling product which has been made available to you as a bonus for purchasing Yantra Manifestation. The benefits of Eightfold Blessings are truly remarkable. After usage, you will tend to be:
... Calm
... Focused
... Compassionate
... Transpersonal
... Superconscious
So take advantage of this system and experience the effects for yourself. May they serve you well.
If you have any questions or technical difficulties, you can contact the support desk at [email protected].
Alternatively, you can message me through Facebook.
Stay Blessed,
Michael Tsering
Below is the summary of your purchase(s):
Click the button to download each respective audio track.
BONUS #2 - The Eightfold Blessings
This track is designed to connect you with your past self and also helps you understand your soul's purpose on this plane and subsequent ones. The best time to use "Karmic Connection" would be before bedtime. In addition, using this audio will help you to detach from past-life sorrows and provide healing. The importance of a karmic connection is to help you through your self-development. They teach you lessons, they motivate and ultimately, shapes you.
Once you start listening to this track, you will be transported to a place of utmost peace and tranquility; forget your troubles, let go of your burdens and be refreshed with new strength to take on life's challenges thereafter.
Start the day off right with this audio track. It's specifically calibrated to help you master the inner wealth game and you will be overflowing with prosperity soon after. It's really magical as wealth of ideas, wealth of health, wealth of fulfillment will happen to you. And who knows? Listening to this audio may seriously up-level your bank account too!
The audio track embeds a technology which is encoded with energetic signatures designed to support a natural sense of feeling uplifted. It may be listened to as a meditation or while going about your day. Some benefits include uplifting the mood, deep relaxation, blissful states of consciousness, intuition, and creativity.
You can practice this track at anytime of the day. Once you do that, you will be invited to realize the strength, limitless potential, and steadfastness of your true self. In addition, you will explore the unique intelligence of the heart center, and incorporate new capacities into your everyday activities
This track integrates delta bin-aural beats with the Schumann Resonance for total body healing and wellness. It provides the basis for re-establishing the body's natural balance and helping to strength your mind, body, and spirit. If you have any debilitating health issues, listening to this will help you transcend the ordinary limitations of disease and achieve optimal health.
This meditation track works wonders if you have a mandala with you. However, if you don't have one, worry not! You can picture one in your head and follow through just like any other meditation tracks.
Step 1 - Stand up and start by bringing your knees up as high as possible. Breathing deeply and evenly will move the energy within. Forget the mind and forget the body. Do this for about 15 minutes.
Step 2 - Sit with your eyes closed and mouth open and loose. Gently rotate your body from the waist and feel the wind blowing you from side to side, back and forth, around and around. This will bring your awakened energies to the navel center. Do this for about 10 minutes.
Step 3 - Lie on your back, open your eyes and, with the head still, rotate your eyes in a clockwise direction. Sweep them fully around in the sockets as if you are following the second hand of a vast clock, but as fast as possible. It is important that the mouth remains open and the jaw relaxed, with the breath soft and even. This will bring your centered energies to the third eye. Do this for 15 minutes .
Step 4 - Lie down, close your eyes and breath deeply till the end of the track.
This music is composed to give you clarity over the meaning of life and helping you live in harmony with it. It will fill you with joy, peace, humility, and great compassion. By following the ethereal tones that blended with it, you will find yourself letting go of limitations, setting aside your uncertainties, and getting ready to create a positive future that you desire.