Chakra & Healing

The Third Eye Chakra

Lesson 7 Module 1

The Third Eye Chakra is located between the eyebrows. The chakra is represented by the color indigo. The energy vibrates at a higher frequency than the Throat Chakra.
The Third Eye Chakra is the center of intuition and direct spiritual vision. It is through this chakra that we are able to visualize things through our “third eye” of intuitive knowledge. This chakra also represents forgiveness and compassion.

When you have an actively balanced Third Eye Chakra, it corresponds with your spiritual awakening. You also tend to have good intuition and you dare to achieve your goals.

We usually associate people who have good intuition of having the “sixth sense”. These people will usually give you advice on certain issues. For example, they may say you should not trust a person or work with them as he or she is trying to take advantage of you. It turns out that their advice was really worth taking as the incident really came true. When you ask these people on how they developed their “sixth sense” ability, they themselves are also unable to answer. The question is, how and why do they have this kind of ability? This is because they have a more balanced and active Third Eye Chakra.

If your Third Eye Chakra is inactive, you tend to depend on authority rather than instinct to make your own decisions. You may also have deluded thoughts. This also results in you being too dependent on conventional beliefs rather than rational.

People with a very weak Third Eye Chakra are also very weak in visualizing and organizing their lives. For instance, if you were to ask them how they see themselves in a matter of 5 years, it is highly unlikely that they can answer this question as they are unable to visualize their future.

People with a weak Third Eye Chakra also have this mindset that it is unnecessary to have future plans and too think far ahead. Usually, these people will have a negative perspective of life.

However, when your chakra is over-active you may live in your own world and you always over think. In extreme cases, this may lead to hallucinations where you create problems that were not even there in the first place.

Your Money Chakra 

When your third eye chakra is blocked, it will be hard for you to visualize yourself owning more money. You are also unable to foresee what you are able to do with the money you have; which includes helping others in need.

The most common reason for this blockage is because you always see the world through other people’s opinions as well as beliefs. You are easily influenced by other people’s outlook.

For instance, some people may have a perception that money and wealth will only shape you into a greedy and selfish person. When your third eye chakra is blocked, this is when you believe each and everything that people tell you without rationalizing.

As a result, you stay away from money as well as having a bad perception towards people working towards it. This will only create confusion because it is not your truth.
When you have a healthy third eye chakra in regards to money, you will be able to mentally visualize the opportunities that money brings to you. You are able to spend it wisely by achieving your dreams, helping those in need, and donating more to charity.

The Solution
There are several solutions you can take in order to activate and balance your third eye chakra. Firstly, is through different activities:


  • Listen More Carefully And Attentively When You Are Engaged In A Conversation
    When you engage in a conversation, ensure you take the time to listen attentively as there may be hidden messages, which may shape or influence your truth.

  • Try engaging with the energy of those around you
    Try and feel the energy around you, are they emitting a positive or negative energy? And if so, why? Understand the reasons.

  • Praise and credit yourself for your correct intuitions
    Always trust your intuition, especially in making decisions. When you are right, credit yourself for it. This means you are in tune with your third eye chakra and you know your truth.

  • Foods
    There are several food you can consume to balance and activate your third eye chakra. As the chakra is represented by the color indigo, fruits such as blackberries, plums and grapes are effective in balancing your hormones and intuitions. You may also consume yam as well as purple cabbage.